Is therapy right for me?
Engaging in therapy is a personal choice, which can simply be driven by a desire for support with an issue that is causing you distress. It may not be right if you feel pressured to go by someone else, though it may be useful to look at this dynamic in therapy. Often you will be invited to reflect on yourself, to stay with uncomfortable feelings, or to view things from a different perspective. If you have not been well supported to do this in the past, this may feel challenging, but that is okay, and it is part of the work.
You may feel apprehensive about therapy if you have already had a disappointing experience with a helping professional or service. There is a wide range of practitioners available, and finding the right one for you can make a huge difference to your experience.
There is still some stigma in our society about mental health and accessing emotional support. Feelings of shame can make it harder, but therapy is a great place to address these.
Therapy is a financial, practical, and emotional investment – it is worth factoring this into your decision.
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